A single Screenout can cost your team upwards of $150,000, not including delays to the pumping schedule and well project. But hidden in the data stream from the frac van are insights that can help avoid these costly trainwrecks. Today, we'll look at 2 Corva apps that mine your data to prevent Screenouts, including our brand new Wellbore Diagram and relaunched Nolte Smith Plot.
Wellbore Diagram
Corva's Wellbore Diagram calculates flush volumes using data from the drilling phase taking into account mid perforation data and automatically collects the actual flush numbers using our activity detection. It allows users to easily compare calculated design volumes to actual volumes and highlights when the values are not within 5%.
At a glance, see a time lapse view of pumping activity as it occurs, a first of its kind visualization that animates flushing right on your iPhone. Users see everything happening in the wellbore, including chemical concentration and proppant concentration, the biggest leading indicator of a Screenout.
The app includes Corva's custom calculation for rate of pumping on the surface with the volume of the pipe and proppant volumes.
Nolte Smith Plot
Used to infer the geometry of hydraulic fractures based on the pressure response, Corva's real time Nolte Smith plot helps teams visualize treatments and know when to adjust rate, proppant, and fluids. The log-log plot calculates surface pressure by analyzing log time vs log pressure.
The Nolte Smith plot also calculates net pressure to show users mode of propagation for fracture geometry at any point of time. Different modes indicate how close you are to a Screenout. Monitoring the Nolte Smith plot in Mode III A or B, for example, enables users to spot increasing proppant concentration, cut sand, and start reducing rate to prevent damage to surface equipment.
A powerful combo, users can bring the Wellbore Diagram and Nolte Smith Plot together in a Screenout Prevention Dashboard.
Go ahead, try all of these apps out for your next frac then begin banking the savings when your team finds and mitigates screenout conditions.