How Big Data is Revolutionizing Oil and Gas Companies – Corva’s V2 Platform

As O&G companies find ways to make their drilling operations more cost-effective, many are scrambling to understand the concept of Big Data. Some operators understand the opportunities presented by Big Data but are challenged to form a strategy to take advantage of the vast capabilities of historical and real-time information. Corva’s V2 Platform delivers Big Data solutions by understanding historical performance and hazards to inform real-time decisions and insight.

Are your drilling engineers still using time-consuming spreadsheets rather than quickly identifying how to optimize drilling parameters? Does your operation team want to know which casing crew makes the fastest connections? Can your real-time system provide analytics and alerts to avoid stuck pipe and tool failure which cause unplanned trips? Would you find value in reviewing offset wells and identifying your best drilling parameters?

Corva’s V2 Platform provides a web and mobile-based solution with engineering analytics, programmable notifications, team collaboration, and industry-leading customizable interfaces. We understand that visibility into your Big Data translates into cost savings in your drilling operations and ultimately drilling more wells.

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