The 3 C’s of Corva: The Journey to V2

At Corva, we are busy preparing for the next release of our drilling data & analytics platform: V2. It’s no small undertaking. Thankfully, the nice folks at Starbucks are keeping us well caffeinated (and the occasional nap under our desks).

Around 12 months ago, we scoured the globe for truly impressive software engineers to help us move from a simple product to a powerful platform — one that could handle the demanding data loads of modern drilling rigs. We hired engineers who previously built real-time systems for Twitter, Netflix, and Microsoft. We have grown a lot from the initial whiteboard sketches, but we’re as passionate as ever.

At the heart of Corva are the 3 C’s: customization, collaboration, and connectedness. This is where we start and end any product conversation.


Apps and dashboards should fit the needs of people, and not the other way around. True personalization comes in many forms but we think it’s the ability to mix and match data, graphs, and apps. Change colors, units, position, and size. Turn on and off preferences and notifications to endless delight.


Sharing is about teamwork and that’s how the asset lifecycle thrives. Whether you want to annotate a graph, share a programmed warning, or keep your team in the loop, you need to do it with ease — on mobile or desktop — at home or the office.


The modern platform must connect all information silos. Informed insightful decisions are made at the intersections of different data stores. Apps should exchange information and enable the next generation of developers to build on top. You should be able to connect your old systems and add new ones.

We look forward to sharing the release of V2 in April 2017.


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